not a pretty girl

a new person with each new experience

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Will the smoke ever go away?

today on easter sunday I was having a lazy day, one of those days where seventies tv shows, books, internet, music and curling up fills your day. I thought I might even do some cleaning and laundry, perhaps pick up a few groceries. Around one oclock I thought I would be ultra lazy and microwave this veggie burger so I coudl have a quick yummy protein kick. I put it in the microwave and got caught into the soap lives fair city, the dub soap opera. Smelling something funny I ran into the kitchen to see smoke bellowing out of the microwave. ahh, I turned on the stove fan, opened the microwave and opened a window all in one quick swoop. The smoke immediatly filled the whole room and I waved through it to pull out the burnt burger. The centre was charcol . . . smoke was steaming right from the centre of it, I through it in the sink and turned on the water. Opened the other windows in the kitchen and living room and waved a towel around. This seemed to make it worse since the smoke detector suddenly went off . . . After dealing with that I took out the garbage and headed to the store, the whole time there I could smell the smoke on me. I hoped that the smoke would be gone when I got back. It really was the strangest thing, seeing this burger turn into charcol. It was a quorn burger, I got it for the first time yesterday, it has milk and egg products in it so I had never tried it before. I had it in the pita bread with hot sauce and mushrooms yesterday and it was delicious. My after this experience I have to wonder what is really in this stuff. The web site makes it sound like it is all wonderful, it doesn't mention anywhere that it will spontaniously combust if you put it in the microwave. I know that the microwave was not one of the recommended heating instructions but fuck I figured everything that you could fry or grill could go inthe microwave - you expect it not to be as good, not to be crispy but you figure it will just be a fast way of dealing with hunger.

When I came back from the store I was alread able to smell the smoke from the stairwell (I'm on the third floor). I don't even want to go to the kitchen, even though I had every intention to wash the floor the smell is a bit much right now. I think only one of my flat mates is here, he didnt' come out when the smoke mayham started so maybe he already left . . . so its just me and the smoke. DON'T TRUST QUORN PRODUCTS!!!


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