not a pretty girl

a new person with each new experience

Sunday, April 04, 2004

my years of lifegaurding has finally paid off

I said this today to my mom - I'm sure she was expecting to hear about job, instead I told her how I'm doing these street medic workshops for the mayday protest. all she could say was "oh boy", she is already a bit weary of me going to all these protests and said to me while she was here not to taunt the cops. In her mind I'm sure she was thinking why do you need first aid if you are partaking in peaceful protests. Her "oh boy" reflected the thought that she is happy that I am active but is concerned that I am not be practical, that I will spend all my time organizing and protesting and not be thinking about a money and a career. Her "oh boy" I'm sure was accompanied with the shaking of her head as she thought that about the money she put into my lifeguarding courses over the years and now I'm using these skills for subversive means. I followed her "oh boy" with a "isn't it great, I have a skill that I can use to help out, with out resources or creative skills I tend to feel that I do not have much to offer other then my energy. and now I can give more to a community that I have taken much from in the past." she didn't respond to this other then an "oh" still concentrating on the fact that I said years of training has finally paid off so I can help prepare people for police brutality. I'm sure she wonders why I can't just be a hippy, promote peace but stay away from any form of direct action. I can hear her now "why can't you be a hippy like we were, I don't ask much from you, I don't expect you to be a full fledged capitalist like my friends kids, but can't you just sing songs and say things like make love not war?" sorry mom!!!


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