not a pretty girl

a new person with each new experience

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Frida and Ruth are back

Four to five years ago my girlfriend mentioned to me that i had a hair sticking out of my cheek. I was embaressed my the dark 11/2 inch hair that had been growing on my face. The next few years i alway found myself touching that part of my face to see if it was back. I continuouly pulled it out. it always grew back but i could get it right away . . . Over the years i kinda got use to this hair on my cheek. And last year when i got diagnosed with PCOD i had a greater understanding of where it came from . . . I would still pull it out but often after it had already grown the full 11/2 inches (which seems to max lenght for this hair.) It was almost a sence of comfort that the hair would grow . . . This past october I found a hair growing underneath my chin, again it was a really dark hair about 11/2 inches long. instead of embarsement I was happy to find this hair. I examined my face closely and was delighted to find this other hair, the difference was this hair was clear, it was not a white hair but unnoticable except for fealing it. this one was sticking straight out of my forehead.

I decided to name my hairs since it seemed that we would be sticking together for awhile. The first hair, the one I had for year, i named frida. I figured frida was a strong positive women who was proud of her eyebrow uni-brow action. Then the one on my chin i named ruth since my grandmother ruth had a hair on her chin. And the final one i would call casper since it seemed to want to hind like a ghost.

This was when i was in paris . . . then something strange happened. These hairs didn't grow back, even frida. this was connected to a hormonal change in my body. I started getting my period more regularly, I started having emotional mood swings around my period time,the hair on my legs started to thin out. and my newly named hairs didn't grow back.

What can i contribute this hormal changes too . . . living with three women, and james having two women flatmates . . . I suppose since all those women seem to have strict regulated periods.

So a few days a go I noticed that both frida and ruth were back, no sign of casper but he likes to hide anyways. They i was thinking that I didn't get my period last month and this is the time i should be getting it this month and no sign of it coming . . .

so i wonder what is the hormonal change now . . .well i havn't been at james all that much and when i was there his flat mates were not around . . .and two of my flat mates have not been around.

Is my body really that suseptible to the hormones floating in the air around it . . .strange?

but i hope that frida and ruth continue to visit me, i enjoy their company!


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