Nude art and lollypops
I was slightly saddened but not surprised last night at the nude art auction to see how much art was going for. We have to remember that half the money was going to the artist and the other half was going to TRADE magazine to keep it alive. There were so many great pieices, peices that if I was staying in the country I would have thought more about bidding for, but then remembered I am on a tight budget . . . but if I was staying in the country I wouldn't be paying tution . . .(dream art world). Most of the pieces went between 25 and 45 dollars- which I feel is not very much for what they were. People were walking away with gorgous photos that I, the cheep skate would pay up to 50 for . . . I really felt that they should be going for more . . . but you get a room filled with broke queers and what do you expect. Throught this art exhibit these three pieces in the lollypop series(yes that what it was called) by GB Jones came out and suddenly their were people who were not their for the nude art auction, they were not there to support TRADE they were they specificly for the art. Or more specificlly they were there for the name. The first two peices were fought over but stopped around the 50 dollar mark, but you could feel the tension, the excitement, which had been missing in the beautiful work surrounding the word "Lollypop" writen on a canvis. But when the finall peices, a painting of a pink and white lollypop came up . . . the last peice of the night, testosterone rose and suddenly 50, 55, do I hear 60, 65, 70 do I hear 80, 85, 90 . . . and this fighting continued until the guy next to me in a strong proud voice takes a final plung at the lollypop for a total of 170 dollars. could he afford it, the look on his boyfriends face said no . . .so why did he do it, well it was part pride . .. I could tell after 150 he didn't really want to bid anymore but felt a need to continue out of shere pride. the other part is that he wanted to own something by this artist, not this piece specificly but a peice by her. he didn't bid on the first one since he was holding the art, he didn't bid on the second one since his boyfriend was bidding and so when his last chance came it took it whole heartedly. He wanted to say that he had a piece by the artist GBjones, not any of her Tom Finland style sexy drawings but a pink lollypop.
At November 12, 2005 at 5:16 PM ,
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