not a pretty girl

a new person with each new experience

Saturday, February 28, 2004

reason vs emotion a false dichotomy

its the same old arguement that we have hearing since Plato and before. men are rational and women emotional and therefore less then men. What I want to argue here is that emotions and those seen as emotional are being extremely rational. When you say someone is emotional, it is often in responce to a stimuli. There is something that helps create this emotion. The reason I say it is rational is that when the stimuli is removed the emotional responce seeces. further when someone realizes they made a mistake about someone or something they are angry about they no longer feel this emotion of anger. So if emotions only occur when there is a reason for them and disappear when the reasons for them are gone, then are they not rational responces to stimuli?

I just wanted to throught that out there -I know it is a short tid bit of thoughts. I suppose it is in responce to my last few posts which have been emotional rants. The thing with these past posts is that my fever was a huge part of them and then I cna't agrue that they were complete rational responces to the events around me. Although I do see many parts of them as rational I also see how I can go off the deep end and have extreme responces at times when I am over tired and sick.

At times I wish I was more balanced, but really would I be me if I was more balanced. To get rid of my extreames would also mean getting rid of the bouncy energetic happy person that I am for huge chunks of time. To balance would be to get rid of the moments of craziness that make sence to others not at the time but afterwards.

So perhaps I need to work on the communication of these emotions in more effective ways. I know I need to get back swimming I am always happier, healthier and less likely to snap at things when I have my swimming buzz going on.


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