not a pretty girl

a new person with each new experience

Friday, May 09, 2003

I know I just made a huge post but I can't resist adding these comments, I picked up a metro today and with in a few mins, I was laughing out lound on the bus, ripping articles from the paper, here a few that I liked:

- Rob Zombie is directing a sequal to House of 1000 corpses
- Playgirl Ontario was discribed as "someone who looked like the boy next door, but sexier. Someone clean cut, but not too clean cut, who difines what a MAN looks liek today, even thought tha's impossible" . . . he is a white faternity looking boy
- a poll on growing up showed the expected age for the trasition to fully growing up is as follows:
- 20.9 self-supporting
- 21.1 no longer living with parents
- 21.2 full time job
- 22.3 education complete
- 24.5 being able to support a family fanancially
- 25.7 married
- 26.2 having a child
- Bush and Blair wre nominated for the Noble Peace Prize yesterday
ok thats it for now, back to work :)


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