not a pretty girl

a new person with each new experience

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Ok, I just got an email from this guy who I talked with once at the pool. I NEVER gave him my email, and it kinda freaked me out . . .
The day he was swimming (running the water actually) the pool was dead, so I walked and talked with him for a while . . . harmless right? Apparently not, that day he got out and was stretching, when he asked me "what are you doing tomorrow at 5?" I was like "ummm I'm going to see Angela davis at 7 . . . ." He then proceed to ask if I wanted to go on a mock date with him, since his buddies and him are doing a documentary on Lava Life, but he was too cheep to put any money on his lave life account, so was unable to get a date with a girl and video tape it (with out her knowledge might I add) I was like "ummm I really don’t think so, I actually think that’s kinda creepy" Anyways, we realized that we both knew this girl on the cross country team . . .but I still don't know how he would have got this email address, cuz even if she gave it to him, she had my old address, Fuckn' scary . . . .anyways heres the email:
What's going on? Perhaps you don't remember me - you
walked up and down the pool while I did this ridiculous
running motion, almost standing still. This was
sometime last week. I said "see you around" when I
left and didn't want to be a liar. But you are not a
jewish guy with curly hair - that's who the lifeguard
was today. You were not him, I think. Anyways, hope
exams are good. I got that internship, by the way (I'm
very excited). drop me a line if this is indeed you
(and if you like)- and perhaps we can do something fun.
Take it easy,
Dave :)
p.s. liz said she remembered you from italy. funny
how the world works.
AHHH!!! someone has to tell this boy how uncool it is to ask a girl on a date that will be taped and then send her emails when she NEVER AT ANYTIME showed any interest in him . . .but I can't be that person, because I want NO communication with him .. . Strange this is one experience in a long line of closeted experiences I have had at the pool. No one there knows I'm queer, no one . . .except for this one gay guy that said to me one day, I have a question for you "I heard that lesbians are not promiscuous, is that true" Fuck people at the pool are fucked up . . . .that’s it that’s all, back to writing about segregation and the effects on health


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