not a pretty girl

a new person with each new experience

Saturday, April 05, 2003

Its 9:40 on friday night and I'm still at school!! It is clearly getting near the end of term . . .Down the equity office, (steph I don't smell dog) I have started to recieve phone calls, msn messages, as if I live here. I suppose I could, the guy at the porters deck told me that aslong as I bring the key back before 8am I'm in the clear! We have food, music, a phone, the internet, really what else could a girl ask for. Today when I was talking to Kim, she said that I was a pretty girl. She knows that I'm making a political statement and all that jazz but really I'm not a pretty girl, its not what I do, I'm no damsel in distress I don't need to be rescued . . . ok maybe I should just go home now and listen to some ani :)