not a pretty girl

a new person with each new experience

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

today was the last day at the pool, it was cloudy, the water was only 69 degrees, SN [for some reason I think of the weather in celcius and the pool temperature in ferienheit. i'm not the only one either, I have only seen a fwe gaurds in my life record the water temperature in celcious. ] I was not expecting anyone to go swimming, although a few dedicated women did brave the water, what impressed me more was that severl people came down to say goodbye, even thought they had not intention of getting into a bathing suit. I was given presants, pictures and cards. I suppose my enjoyment of these people was recipricated. My favorite moment was when this man that I always talk to a gay male artist was in the parking lot when I was throughing out the garbage, he ran towards me and gave me a hug. He told me that I had great energy and that I would be happy where ever I went.

no time for tears over saying bye to work, I have way to much to do!!


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