not a pretty girl

a new person with each new experience

Monday, January 19, 2004

its racial assumption day at Tobies work

ah sorry thats everyday, but today was suppose to be a void of any harrassment or so the boss would like me to believe as the first thing he says to me is how he is going to try not to bug me today. By that he means that he will try not to make the racist jokes in my hearing range for once. Yet he still felt a need to explain how third world countries are starving there people for political reasons and don't need out side resources since they have enough money to build castles. Plus how is Africa the people wouldn't be starving if they went back to their natural ways of canibalism. When he came back from lunch he said that he didn't think the brown meet they served him was tuna, that he thought it might be arab.

This is all a massive improvement from him calling this girl at work ching chong and other "asian" sounding noises because she is from China, and when ever he sees any women who is not white says I thought that was Jessica (or what ever name he might come up with). Or how everytime a person of colour comes in he makes the assumption that they must be staying at a hotel and asked them if they have laundry service they can use at the hotel even when they are bringing in curtains and bed spreads.

The days where he goes off about only flying on a plane if everyone is white - or how the special olympics are stupid since those poeple should just realize they are not athletes they are disabled - or how in boston it is white people who shine shoes and the black people get there shoes shined to get back at them for years of slavery and as he says those poor white people having to bow down to them.

Or how people who have depression are just lazy and feading off the system, or how white collar crime isn't really a problem since they are just smarter then everyone else.

or or or . . . ahhhh somedays I think I hate my job, but then I just realize I can't stand working for this disagreeable man. You have to realize everything I mentioned and more only come out of him when he is having a good day. His bad days he yells at customers and basically calls them liars. He drives away customers everyday.

The one saving grace is the first two hours of work he is not there and he always goes to drop off repairs or coffee that keeps him away at least an hour. So with lunch and all that I only have to see him 31/2 hours a day out of 7.

This one guy at work continuesly talks aobut killing him, the other guy wants to have him convicted to a home, one of women humour him and the other ignores him. I have a mixture of ignoring him, or trying to argue with him in a futal attempt to fight the hate. I know it is useless but I can't be silent and therefore complicent in it all . . .


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