not a pretty girl

a new person with each new experience

Sunday, January 18, 2004

I cannot concentrate, I cannot read
Theories of class fly past my mind with out holding there own space
Focus can only come out of a drug of concentration.
An old found addiction that allows for self education.

I escape into the music and into my own mind
The theories are not liner there and the refreshing cannot be noted above.

I talked this morning about like minded people and post-modern feminists
All the time with tears streaming down my face.

You learn more with talking to those who differ from you
A kind women said to me on a cool summer day
Explaining how she enjoys her time with those who differ from her
Now in her older age.

Home was too safe, nothing would challenge,
I understand how I oculd stay for the love and comfort of it all,
By pushing my boundaries I discover the dreams I can now follow


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